Friday, August 2, 2013


How to get 500 page views daily by blog commenting

comment on blogs
Blogging is not easy and simple jobs for everyone. Create a blog site and make it popularity it’s tough. You must need to work hard and have patient obviously. Otherwise you will always fail with blogging life. It’s not easy to make your blog successful and get some profits. When I start blogging, I was newbie and think it’s too easy job for make money online. Just create website, increase traffic, and publish some content. Also I did too many mistake likes, I start spamming for increase website visitors in blog commenting. Then after I learn something about blogging from experts, I realized how many mistakes I did. In blogging world have so many method, tips for increase website visitors. I will share those in my blog one by one. Today I will discuss about how to get 500 pages views daily by blog commenting that are worthy for every bloggers.

You must need to remember it’s also not easy to make reputation and increase popularity to your website. You need to work hard and hard and having patient. If you lost your patient, you will also lose your blogging dream.

I think we all know increase website visitors in one steps is impossible. Blog commenting is the best way to get quality backlinks and increase reputation to your blog. That are totally help you to increase your Google page rank, but don’t think much about Google page rank. If you work hard it will automatically increase.

Let’s start the ways to get traffic by blog commenting. So stay here and read the whole blog posts if you want 500 page views daily.  


How get 500 page views daily by blog commenting?

Comment first:

If you success to comment on other blog faster than others, you will get too many visitors to your blog. Because first comment will looks like featured in blog commenting. All people can see your comment and visit your website by clicking you.

Now question is it’s too hard to publish first comment. But you can if you subscribe to their blogs by email submitting. You will get first email when they publish a new post in their blogs. Then you can visit their blog posts instantly by your email and leave a comment.  

Relevant comment:

Make sure you never use any boring or common words like “Thanks for share”, “Great posts”, “I like this post” and etc. If you use those kinds of comment, you will get bad reputation or your comment will not approve. Just read their blog posts and get idea, then leave comments that are relevant with their blog post.
It will be great if you comment at least 2-3 lines with some details about the post. If you are newbie, don’t worries just try? You will become expert on this later.

Daily visit:

It will be your good benefits if you visit their sites daily and leave comments. The blog owner make with you connection for better relation and this is a great and positive point for your blog. I every seen some blog offered, if we are top commentor on their blog. Our comment will be featured on top commentor lists. It’s really eye catching for every readers to see your link.

Find commentluv blogs:

Now a day’s commentluv plugin is most popular for WordPress. Too many WordPress users use the premium plugin to their blogs. So try to find commentluv blog and leave comments. Commentluv options are also helpful for get quality backlinks. If you put your blog in site link box, your blog posts will appear with your comments. People will see your comment also your blog posts, if they click the blog post link, you will get quality backlinks. ;)


Don’t forget to use gravatar before start blog commenting. If you have no images or pictures in comment box, you can’t make your blog popularity. It’s also helpful to know who are you and increase relation with readers.

Note: Don’t use fake or blank images. Your comment will go to the spam boxes.  


Don’t go to the blog post only for leave a single comment. You can comment or reply to other readers. You can make their like a community. Replying is also a great ways to visible your site link in comments. Find someone who ask for help or question and try to give them a quick solution. It will benefits for your blog and you will get good reputation from the owner.  

Try to make good and attractive conversations.  

Never spamming:

As I told you, I was newbie and always trying to spamming for increase website visitors by blog commenting. After comment in blogs, I seeing my comments not approve. Then I learn too many things from my expert. So I will suggest you don’t publish a comment like “Great posts”, “I enjoy this post”, “Thanks for sharing” and blah blah blah. If you use those kinds of comments, your comment will go to the spam box and never approve in blog posts.

All bloggers hate spammers for make their comment box junk.

From my suggestion, never copy another comments and publish it. But you can see how other peoples comment in blogs to get knowledge about blog commenting.

Try to attract comments that you already read the post and comment. Otherwise owner will think, you comment in blog posts without reading.


After publish a comment, don’t forget to ping the comment link. It will helpful to approve your comment first and increase your visitors by blog commenting. For easy, use pingler Google chrome extensions or Mozilla Firefox addons for ping comment in by single click.

Discuss about help:

Don’t use boring comments as I already said, your comment will not approve. Try to make a good and attractive conversations by blog commenting. It will helpful for increase popularity to your blog.

Believe it or not, I see some comments in by blogs. They publish a comment with 3 words. I don’t know how they expect traffic from their comments. They needs more time to learn how to comment. So, I always disapprove them.

Thank you so much for spend your times to read the whole posts. If anyhow you can have any question or need help, don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I will try to reply your comment ASAP. Thanks again.



  1. Commenting can be a good thing for sure, but as you pointed out the comments need to be relevant and contribute to the content otherwise they are worthless.

    1. Yes, If you are not publish a relevant comment in blogs, your comment will not be publish or you can't get quality backlinks. So make sure about this. Thanks for your comment. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment Abdul, Use Pingler Google chrome extensions or Mozilla Firefox addons. You can see a ping button in your browser toolbar. After you publish a comment, just click the ping button from your browser toolbar and ping the comment URL. that't it. :) If you need more help, let me know.

  3. Hi Muhammad, thanks for sharing these tips. I did not even think about pinging the comment URL, or that is was so easy to do. I agree with your assessment about relevancy and value. For the most part you should stick to commenting on blogs that are similar to your niche and you should read the post before commenting so that you can leave a thoughtful, intelligent, quality comment that adds value to the post and the discussion.

    1. Hello Tom, Pinging URL is not recommended or requirement. But I saw some people do this. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Hi,
    I am looking for Traffic on by Blog. From last month I worried a lot because of instant downfall in visitors. Hope your advice will surely help me.Thanks for sharing.....

    1. Best of luck. You just need to work hard with your blog. Hope you see your success. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Great One.. Commenting in CommentLuv Enabled Blog makes you to place your LInk in the end of our comment. This gives you a Solid Backlink (y).

    1. Yup. CommentLuv plugin give quality backlinks . Thanks for your comment Aslam.

  6. Nice. It was a unique article to know that we can get visitors even from Blog Commenting.

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    1. Thanks for your comment @Dan smith. I'm happy to know you all like my posts.

  8. I think the essence of commenting is engaging in meaning discussion. Sharing of ideas and insights can enrich the internet experience. When people realize the value of the comments, they are interested in the learning about the person behind it. Thus, you get traffic to your own site.

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  11. Thanks Muhammad for this brilliant advice! I really appreciate how you emphasize the importance of blog commenting to every blog and its owner. I would agree that indeed, commenting on blogs really helps in sending link juice and attracting more traffic to the recipient blog site. But you echo the method in this post. You give us an appeal and you help your readers improve their blog site by doing not just blog commenting but improving their relevancy on every post they comment as well... Thanks for the post! More power to you

  12. Helpful and friendly tips thank you..

  13. i do many blog commenting in good page rank site but still i am not getting traffic. why sir tell me ?

  14. Do you have good content Manish? What other link building strategies do you use?

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  38. Your points are correct. I have started and following them and the fruit of my work can be clearly seen. Apart from this, one thing that you could have mentioned in your article is to answer the comments you get

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  40. Thanks, I didn't know about the ping extension!

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  41. Blog commenting is one of the simple and effective method to get good backlinks when done in a right way. You have given great tips for doing them. Thanks for sharing.

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  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. for me, i'll say i've tried everything under my capability.
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    Hi: Nice article, but couple points worth making:

    a. We can’t confuse the evaluation of equities as a valid asset class with the timing of that investing. It’s true that investing in US equities at the present time – due to the run-up in the market, ultra low rates etc. mightn’t be a great idea. But in the grand scheme of asset classes, U.S. Equities are probably still a better than average vehicle to invest in, in the long run.

    b. I want outsized returns: all discussions on return must be framed against a discussion of risk. The risk-return argument for starting your own business is very different from a risk-return argument on a well-run large cap company. I suggest readers both options logically and independently. Finally, i don’t think it is a useful attitude to approach equity investing as a gamble to hit the jackpot. The best, long term investors make solid singles and doubles that build into sustainable returns in the long haul.

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    Hi: Nice article, but couple points worth making:

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